What is codeine Codeine is a strong medication used against pain. It comes from extracts of the poppy plant and belongs to the same family of pain medications as morphine. Other members of this family of products is morphine and pethidine; they are all very powerful pain medication with high addiction potential.
Committed to ethical practices and patient well-being
Shortness of breath
Sore Throat
To learn more on the about the covid-19 virus you can go to the following link
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If you are experiencing any covid-19 symptoms please do not enter the pharmacy.
Coronavirus 24hr Hot Line
0800 029 999
With COVID-19 spreading rapidly, we find ourselves in unknown and unexpected circumstances. Right now, the health of our customers, staff and the broader public remains at the forefront for everyone at The Local Choice Pharmacy. We are cognisant of the fact that retail pharmacists are the most easily accessible and most frequently visited health professionals and we do not take this responsibility lightly.
Here are some of the steps we are taking to ensure we do our part in flattening the curve: